The Chronicles of Spellborn

Full Version: PC issues - semi-inactive
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Hey guys,

my pc is having some issues and won't come out of a reboot loop. It just keeps rebooting no matter what I do. I've tried startup repair, system repair and even running it in safe mode (but that one just looped and I didn't even make it in). All of these options showed no result whatsoever. And unless someone comes up with a brilliant idea on the 2 dutch/belgian forums I posted my issue on, I'll have to bring it to a friend who's dad repairs and sells pcs in order to get it fixed.

So... for now, I'll try to log in once in a while on a laptop, but it's just not the same.

Cow out...

damn thats sad to hear

let's hope your troubles will be solved soon

Damn Cow that's really a shame! You just got a new PC.

Have you checked your start up boot settings?

Quote:Damn Cow that's really a shame! You just got a new PC.

Have you checked your start up boot settings?

Can't really check too much, can't even get into windows itself!

Just when I need you the most ;p

I've gotten the first basic design of the portal ready (well, not really useable yet (no content areas, still lacking lots of stuff, but the style is getting there). Need your opinion on it now..

By the way, the portal will open soon when I have gotten a lot more done.

Well, I've got it back. Won't be playing as much Global Agenda as I used to though; I got BlackOps and will play that for a bit and I've also got some pre-/test-exams next week.

Good luck Cow Smile

Quote:Good luck Cow [Image: default_biggrin.png]

Cheers mate [Image: default_smile.png].
Quote:Well, I've got it back. Won't be playing as much Global Agenda as I used to though;


Just then I am coming back from vacation.

But enjoy Black Ops, and see you later in GA Smile
Mmm yeh, now one of my harddisks officialy "died" so... I'll need to replace it. Can still use the pc though but  yeh....

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