The Chronicles of Spellborn

Full Version: Other MMO's board not accessible?
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Does anyone else have the problem that they cannot access the Other MMO's board?

Tried with Opera and IE, both don't work, the page just seems to load forever, with nothing coming up.

Yeah, same problem here

Thank you for reporting this issue. It seems like  a broken link (somehow?) to me. I'll contact the admin and have him fix this.
Issue noted, fixing it atm. Thanks for reporting it, btw ^^

Probably an error in the .htaccess file - going to disable the "goodlooking URL's" to fix it.

Issue fixed.

Because of the ' in the URL, the mod_rewrite function of Apache got stuck in the request giving it the not loading status. Fixed now.

Note that the url is now instead of other-mmo's.

Kevin Wink

Can someone confirm that it's fixed? The more confirmations the better.


Fixed for me!  [Image: default_wink.png]

I already thought it might be something like this, but after my posting here came out fine (also with an apostroph), I thought it might be something different.

I also found that a bit bizarre, but I suggest we avoid the ' Wink

Works like a charm!