The Chronicles of Spellborn

Full Version: Cannot create character
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(sorry for bad english)

after customizing my character the game wants me to make name for my character but it seems that I cannot create it.
I already enter the name and it said "Failed to create character" and i clicked the button again and this time the game said "username already taken"
I already tried all sort of random name but it just say username already taken

can someone help
(24-12-2019, 03:25 AM)aeaver Wrote: [ -> ](sorry for bad english)

after customizing my character the game wants me to make name for my character but it seems that I cannot create it.
I already enter the name and it said "Failed to create character" and i clicked the button again and this time the game said "username already taken"
I already tried all sort of random name but it just say username already taken

can someone help

Hi aeaver,
Most of the time, taking too long on the character creation can cause some issues.
If this doesn't help, join un on Discord on the support channel.
