The Chronicles of Spellborn

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Local is just within the current map.
Zone is the current shard. (example: Parliament, ...)

Thanks. unfortunately this seems like information not sent by the client, so it has had to be present on the server.
From the wiki: Disciplin == Class (like Archetype: Rogue, class/Disciplin: Skinshifter)?

you got it right  he he

Sorry Polymo, I need to correct a few statements of mine.
Local = the piece of the map you are currently in (generaly determined by zoneinfo).
Zone = the current map. (as soon as you teleport to a different map you get in the Zone chat that you are teleporting to a different map and if the new zone is pvp enabled, after you teleport you see there a counter  from 5 to 0 for enabling the pvp mode.)
As for the Trade chat it was Zone based.
p.s.: I just rechecked with JW and agrees.

That means the "Say" chat would be like yelling to everyone in your area (lets say 1kilometer) and not like 10meters around you?

btw. is there an unreal console command to increase the LOD-mesh swap distance? (i saw a video from getty on youtube where he increased the viewdistance with a command)

When you discover a piece of map, that piece is the equivalent of "Say/Local" . In other word Say = the 10meters around you.
As for LOD issue I haven't played much with that and not at all with the console, sorry.

There should indeed be a command to change the switching points where another Level of Detail is activated.
For the charactermeshes it's a value inside the files, but by telling the engine to use other values you can switch lod by just changing values
and not even having to move.
Now the only problem is I can't find the command right now.... Maybe later.

While looking for a setting for this, i found some other options in the sb_client.ini that are not exposed to the ingame-settings window, but nonetheless work fine.
for example v-sync, tripple buffering, Tex-mipbias and some other. they can improve the visual quality by a good amount!

Does the game have a target of target view? like this

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